If it was posted on E- Watchman's give us the link to it.
E-Watchman Link :
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
he cites .
then he moves on to the 6th and final coming of jesus.
he cites .
If it was posted on E- Watchman's give us the link to it.
E-Watchman Link :
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
hey hey!
been a while since i've started a topic.
i've been gone for a long time and just check in from time to time but i had to comment on this.. .
Yes, it is a social setting at best with those going out in field service.
Of course, those pioneering and doing it full time are "forced" into this setting. This makes for clashes in personalities. The lowly publisher seems to get along fairly well with the others in field service due to the lack of exposure. But from my experience, the pioneers always have something to say, usually negative, about the other pioneers. It goes to show that their "forced time" with each other is wearing them out.
I've seen pioneer alliances in my congregations, past and present. They would have clicks and would entice any new unbaptized publisher into their fold. Sometimes there would be bickering between these pioneer groups about what the other pioneers were or weren't doing.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i think dr perry cox from scrubs would be a brilliant presiding overseer.. dr. cox is sarcastic, unpleasant and narcissistic.
however, he is a very skilled doctor.
he would not care what the co said, would ignore the watchtower or governing body at will.
Charles Philip Ingalls (portrayed by Micheal Landon) on the classic TV series "Little House on the Prarie".
Fatherly justice with sensitivity along with being humble and a love for the human soul all coupled with being approachable.
Nope, not in any of the congregations that I had been to.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
while i was in new york i walked by two men and one looked like the comedian jackie mason whom i adore.
i looked at him and said, "i just wanted to say how much i enjoy your shows.
i've seen you perform a number of times".
By the way, from personal experience the nicest celebrity I ever met was Julie Andrews (Mary Poppins, Sound of Music). She is very humble, classy and charming. Shared some time with her while drinking Ginger Ale before her scheduled departure.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
while i was in new york i walked by two men and one looked like the comedian jackie mason whom i adore.
i looked at him and said, "i just wanted to say how much i enjoy your shows.
i've seen you perform a number of times".
Several dozen and very frequently. In fact, high status celebrities that usually nobody can get near them.
Madonna, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Paul McCartney, Tom Cruise...etc.
Many bands: Guns n' Roses, Metallica, Rolling Stones, REM, U2...etc.
It was all job related. I worked for many years in an industry where such ones needed to transport themselves to various locations domestically and internationally. In all honestly, after awhile they aren't such a big deal anymore. Maybe at the beginning. But after that, they are just regular people who don't seem NOTHING like they are portrayed in the tabloids.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
there are so many songs that the watchtower society says are "bad".
they are the ones that hint on sexual immorality, violence, drugs, or that have reference to devil worship.
or the ones that have swearing in them, which seems to be common these days.. what really gets me is how they find such petty things wrong with songs that they basically want to clean out your whole library and make you listen to kingdumb s*** all the time.
KISS stands for Knights in Satan's Service, ya know.
Rush stands for Raised Under Satan's House, in case you were wondering.
Also, don't forget AC/DC = Anti Christ/Devil's Children
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
there are so many songs that the watchtower society says are "bad".
they are the ones that hint on sexual immorality, violence, drugs, or that have reference to devil worship.
or the ones that have swearing in them, which seems to be common these days.. what really gets me is how they find such petty things wrong with songs that they basically want to clean out your whole library and make you listen to kingdumb s*** all the time.
I have two things to say about this.
1) Several years ago I had invited a new elder who just moved into the congregation to my place for a light snack. You know, I was doing the Christian hospitality sort of thing. Do you know what he did? He made a bee line directly to my CD rack and started to comment on the various types of music I collected. Being a respected JW in good standing that I was, my music really couldn't be considered questionable even by fair minded JWs. However, this elder slipped out one CD that I had bought during my travels in Eastern Europe. It was some cultural music (basically folk songs/polka) that I bought as a novelty. He immediately gave me the inquisition on if I knew the lyrics and the meaning of what they meant, which of course I didn't because of the language barrier. He gave me a stern warning saying that Satan will use anything, even the square dance type of music that the CD contained to subtly lead me off into the broad road that leads to destruction. He said this in all seriousness.
I never had him back again. And I still have that CD.
2) Side note to this topic. Now this is scary. There was one Bethalite that I know who can tell you the song number of any Kingdom Melody. Just play the CD of the piano version (the one that they now use at the KH for singing) at random and he can tell you what song number it is. OMG! That confirmed it to me. These Bethelites are freaks! That is all what they listen to, day in and day out, night in and night out. Of course, he asked me what my favorite Kingdom Melody was. I shrugged my shoulder (not knowing the song number off hand) and said my favorite one as a child was "From House to House", because it has a certain flashback flavor to it. He immediately answered, "Oh, song #32. That is taken from Acts 20:20. And did you know that song #192 was taken from Acts 20:20 as well?"
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
not sure if anyone posted this yet.
I've seen something like this posted elsewhere, but from a different news source. However the picture of the JW holding the Watchtower looks like an ad campaign. I assume that is the brother in charge of the real estate/property department for the WTS.
Sure, the WTS can use the money. It is a given. Seemingly the cash flow is slowing down to a trickle and they can use this as instant cash.
Thanks for posting the article!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i left when i was in my teenage years, thank god, so i didn't really have the chance to bring anyone under the wts mind control.
how about you?
did you bring anyone in?...and if so, where are they now?
I suggested to my former Bible student in my former congregation to wait until he was Jesus' age (30 years old or so) before getting baptized. He was 22 at the time I was studying with him at least five years ago. He was raised a witness and is an unbaptized publisher. As far as I know now, he's not baptized yet and maybe keeping my suggestion intact thus far. Hopefully he doesn't see the need once he becomes thirty.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i hate cars.
they just cost money and eventually rust away.. however, given that it's pretty difficult to do anything without one in north america and that we now need another because angharad got a job (yay), does anyone have any good suggestions?.
things i want:.
Anything but a FORD.
FORD = Fix Or Repair Daily
Not that I have anything particularly against Fords, but this is funny: Found On Road Dead Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)